10 stars
Free and open-source (Note: Spotify API has its own usage tiers)
Elevate your music experience with this dynamic Model Context Protocol server that seamlessly integrates with Spotify's powerful API. This implementation enables AI models to interact with your music library, analyze playlists, discover new music, and control playback while leveraging Spotify's vast music catalog and recommendation engine, making it perfect for creating AI-powered music experiences.
Setup Instructions
Clone the repository: bashCopygit clone Navigate to project directory: bashCopycd spotify-mcp Install dependencies: bashCopynpm install Set up Spotify Developer Account: Create a Spotify Developer account Register your application Get Client ID and Secret Configure OAuth: Set up OAuth credentials Configure redirect URIs Environment setup: Create .env file Add Spotify credentials: CopySPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=your_client_id SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret REDIRECT_URI=your_redirect_uri Run the server: bashCopynpm start Note: Requires Spotify Developer account and proper API credentials
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